Subscribe To Get Like A Dad Updates


I try my best to write often, but sometimes parenting gets in the way. So instead of stopping by the site every 10 minutes to see if there is a new post (I do appreciate it), why not subscribe to get new posts emailed right to you?

Technology rules.

Over on the upper right side of this blog, there is a tiny form where you add your information and boom, you will get posts sent to as they happen.

I do believe, this will make you more productive in your life and your boss won’t have to keep telling to stop hitting F5 on Like a Dad all day.

Honestly, I would love to share new content 75 times a day, but that just seems unrealistic. Also, you should not care about me that much.

I am trying to get into a routine with daily features, so please show your support and let me know what you think.

Remember, by subscribing to my email list, you will start to walk straighter, your food will taste better and you will even start to enjoy talking to that friend that usually drives you insane.

The power of Like A Dad, don’t overlook it.

For those already subscribed, you are most welcome.



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