Sorry For Not Daddy Bloggin’

Man where did the last two weeks go? I just realized I have not done a post since Feb. 28th. That is pretty embarrassing for a guy who used to throw down like Bobby Flay when it came to blogging.

The reason for my lack of words? Two boys.

Pretty fitting that the reason I have not had time to work on my parent related blog is because I have been parenting.

There are so many parent blogs out there, I often wonder how they do it? Do they have 26 hours in a day? Do they have kids who come pre-trained? Do they even have kids and are just doing a front? Who knows.

All I know, is that between our two boys, work and trying to keep the home life afloat, there is certainly little time to write about it.

The free time I do have, I tend to be sitting on the couch for 10 minutes before passing out for two hours.

So, is this going to change? Should I even keep trying to have this blog?

Oh, don’t you worry, I will be making it happen going forward.

Link A Dad – Top Dad Links For Feb. 28 2013

There are so many great dad bloggers, tweeters, posters, pinners, tubers and overall social media mad men. Mom’s get all the attention, so here are just some of the top Dad Links for Feb 28, 2013.

The Rock FatherInternational Delight Light Iced Coffee – Peanut Butter & Chocolate on the Rocks #LightIcedCoffee

Dad Blunders20 Things Every Boy Should Know

How To Be A DadThe Charlie Brown Question

NYC Dads GroupMoving Beyond “Perfectionism” as a Parent

My DadventuresHard Work and more Wisdom from Ben Affleck

Daddy’s GroundedIn Search of a Great Burger

Head over to the Dad Bloggers Facebook page to find even more great dad content, oh and feel free to like or join.

Want your post listed here, just drop me a line and I will be glad to link you up.

Now for today’s moment of Dad zen after the jump.

Taking Son To First Hockey Game – A Dad’s Account

I had the best day ever – Harrison Cusden (Not us in photo)

Yesterday was the day, it was the day Harrison and I were going to the Halifax Mooseheads game. I got tickets for Christmas and as soon as I saw it was a Sunday afternoon game, I knew who I was taking. The thought of taking our three-year old to his first live hockey game was one of those dad moments I have been looking forward for over many years.

For those hockey fans, the Moose were playing the Acadia-Bathhurst Titan. Halifax is one of the best teams in the country, so I knew Harrison was going to see a lot goals and hear a lot of noise. Spoiler alert – Here is the final score.

The only tricky part of the whole day was going to be the game being played when Harrison usually has his afternoon nap. He can go the whole day but it can make the end of the day a real mess.

But we were pretty confident that excitement would pull him through. It did.

We headed down to the Halifax Metro Centre about an hour before game time. That would give us plenty of time to find parking and get settled. I did not want to get to our seats that early and waste a lot of Harrison’s “interest” time. I was also hoping he would have a little nap in the car. No chance. He chattered to himself in the back seat about what he was going to see. Then I mentioned popcorn and it was over. He was ready.

Review: Aplaydia in Bedford, Nova Scotia

One of the regular features I want to get going on this blog is reviewing local places to take kids, entertain kids or feed kids. There are so many parents looking for ways to spend time with their children outside the house and to be honest, when you are tired, it is hard to come up with ideas.

So Like A Dad wants to help. I am going to start reviewing all the places we take our boys. Parks, places to eat, indoor gyms, stores and many other examples of where to take kids. You get the idea. I will share the good, the bad and the ugly.

To start, I want to review a place we went a few weeks ago on a crappy weather day.

Aplaydia in Bedford, Nova Scotia.

Aplaydia, is basically an indoor play facility for parents to watch their kids get exercise, interact with other kids and most importantly, keep everyone from going crazy at home.

Update: Charlie And The Up Late Factory

This is a follow-up to the post called – Help, We Have A Two-Hour Charlie. First thanks to those who left comments offering up advice and sharing some war stories of their own.

So to update you since we had that stretch of little sleep and feedings every two hours, I can say, things have gotten better. I say better because it certainly is not worse. Things are ideal yet but we are certainly managing much better.

Three things have been added into the mix since.

1. Rice cereal.

2. Formula before bed.

3. Dad is taking his turns putting the baby to bed.

So we started with rice cereal every night just before we had dinner. He loves it. Could not be more happy. We have actually started giving it to him for breakfast as well. So that is two bowls of cereal per day.

We also introduced formula over the weekend. So, the story with that is pretty funny. We had guests on the weekend, the in-laws, and of course that meant having extra help.

Help, We Have A Two-Hour Charlie

For those of you who watched Lost, do you remember Desmond and the code he had to enter every hour or so, or something bad would happen? Watching him panic when the countdown was on. Well what if the computer was a baby and you could not stop the countdown every two hours?

That is our life right now.

Yep, our four-month old, Charlie, is on a very strict, I need to eat every two hours or I will freak out like Frank Ocean.

We thought it was a growth spurt, but it has been going on for weeks and we are now at a crossroads of what to do next.

The back story is, he was sleeping through the night just fine for over a week, so we decided it was time to upgrade to the crib. Since, I don’t think he has slept longer than four hours at a time in the new digs.

Then over the last week, he can’t seem to go more than two hours without wanting to eat.

So now we are trying to figure out:

  • Is he really hungry?
  • Does he not like the crib?
  • Is he not ready for the crib?
  • Does he just need more food ie. formula?
  • Are we going to survive a mental breakdown from lack of sleep?