Well I almost let it go a whole month. NOT ON MY WATCH BLOG.
So before 30 days of no blogging goes by, I had to put finger to plastic and give you something to read.
The last month has been busy. There is so much to do in a day, one of the last things I feel like doing at night is writing. I miss the blog. I miss the interaction with my fan. I mean fans.
Workin’ For A Livin’
The biggest reason for the drop off in blogging, is work. I have fallen into a great job that keeps me very busy and challenged. Instead of figuring out how to drive readers to this blog with no money and the power of cute kids, I am trying to drive buyers to a business website with the power of big dollars and cool products. Same shit, different environment. Hmmm maybe I should use my kids to sell my company product?
I have been at it for two months and feel like I have accomplished a lot, but there is so much more to do. I am going to be a busy guy for quite some time.
I still for the most part take the boys to school and do some of the pick ups. The morning walks are much more enjoyable for everyone I would have to say.
Things that have fallen off the cliff since I went back to work:
– Keeping a tidy house.
– Reading books.
– Thinking about exercise. Yep before at least I thought about it.
– Less time for TV.
– Less time for BBQ.
– Less time for blogging. That again.
Those Boys
Oh those boys. My pride and joy. My Batman and Robin.
Harry and Charlie are thriving as always. Not even humidex warnings slow those two down. Charlie is going through a phase of getting hurt, but hey, he is two. That is what happens right. His face looks like he is in UFC right now. He is running, talking, peeing standing up, cracking jokes, counting to 20 and overall, bring smiles to our faces every day. He is such a different kid that Harry. It keeps us on our toes.
Harry completed SK and is currently in summer camp. I would tell you more about his school year, but thanks to the teachers and province, all we know is that he ” participated” and is moving on to Grade 1.
His passion right now is bugs. Exploring and learning about bugs. his iPad skills are exceptional and his diet is still pretty boring. Summer soccer is going well, although he finds it a little boring. Apparently he needs a kid version of the EPL.
Harry had Panamania and I think want to become a track star as soon as he can. It was awesome to see how into the games he got. I think that porcupine had a lot to do with it.
I could write all day about those two, but I do like to keep a lot of the stories off the blog and just for us. I certainly don’t mind sharing how Charlie waits until he goes to bed to have the largest, smelliest poops ever.
What we have been up to
Here is a laundry list of things we have done this summer.
– Drove to Sarnia to see my family.
– Went to Ottawa to see friends.
– My friend Kevin visited from Boston for a day.
– I cooked a kick ass brisket on the Big Green Egg.
– Katie and I have been going out more thanks to some very nice babysitter volunteers.
– We had no fridge for 4 days.
– We had racoons living in our backyard.
– We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.
What else?
That’s it. I am tired. I am probably going to neglect the blog for another 29 days. I don’t want to but August looks busy as well.
What have you been doing?
Oh yeah, I blew up a kiddie pool and almost killed myself.
Good Post … Very Helpful …
Love reading your blog and looking at the kids’ photos! You are right that blogging for passion and working seriously is for dollars, so you should take your time diving into new challenges. The good thing is that you come back to interact with us, your dedicated readers!