Hard to believe Hurricane Katrina was almost eight years ago. It was the weekend of my best friend’s wedding, so that is how I always remember their anniversary.
Anyways, check out this heartwarming and humorous video of Heisman winners pitching in with Habitat for Humanity to help rebuild after Hurricane Katrina. Although it’s been several years, there are still places in New Orleans that need help.
[embedplusvideo height=”281″ width=”450″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/CgWLmW7Gpyg?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=CgWLmW7Gpyg&width=450&height=281&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2348″ /]
Nissan has donated more than $9 million since 2005. Learn more about their partnership with Habitat for Humanity at nissanusa.com/habitat-for-humanity.
Heisman Trophy alums Danny Wuerfell, Eric Crouch, Johnny Rodgers, Mike Rozier and others lent their time to the project, and even added some personal touches to the construction. Danny Wuerffel took a more artistic approach by painting his signature onto the home’s new mailbox, while others donated self-portraits and hidden autographs in addition to elbow grease. Watch the build progress at http://www.nissanusa.com/habitat-for-humanity
Heisman Trophy Volunteers:
Johnny Rodgers (RB, Nebraska, 1972) – #20
Mike Rozier (RB, Nebraska, 1983) – #30
Danny Wuerffel (QB, Florida, 1996) – #7
John Lattner (HB, Notre Dame, 1953) – #14
George Roger (RB, South Carolina, 1980) – #38
Eric Crouch (QB, Nebraska, 2001) – #7
Nissan and Habitat for Humanity Partnership
- 7 years of cooperation
- 9 million and counting in grants & donations
- 62 homes sponsored
- 111 Nissan vehicles donated
- 5k Nissan employees have volunteered with Habitat for Humanity
Nissan’s in-kind donations will be used to construct homes in Liberty City, one of Miami’s most blighted urban areas, under the non-profit’s Liberty City Shine campaign. Miami Habitat is currently working with partners like Nissan to build and refurbish more than 250 homes over three years in this once-thriving neighborhood