Harry-isms #2: Branching Out To New Kinds Of Cheese


Kids say funny things or pronounce words in a way that you can’t help smile at. Our son Harrison does this all the time and we want to share some of them with you.

If you follow this blog, you know that Harrison loves his cheese. He lists it as his favourite food. But it was always classic cheddar or orange cheese as he called it.

Recently he has branched out to all kinds of new cheese. If you walk down the cheese aisle at the fancier grocery stores, he will try a free sample of just about everything.

That is where his new funny word came about. When he started eating “Monsterella” cheese.

Here is another installment of Harry-isms #harryisms.


Does your child say funny things you want to share? Leave it in the comments for all to enjoy.


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