Google Maps iOS Parody App for Parents. “Brutal Naps”

Via Daddy Noob

The long awaited Google Maps app for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad is here. After the epic fail of the Apple Maps app, droves of Apple fans have been desperately searching for a replacement. It is here! Google Maps for iOS is available and it rocks. As for myself, I didn’t even update my wife’s iPhone so that I wouldn’t lack the Google Maps app.

That being said; in between the excitement of this app, there was one app that fell to the wayside. Brutal Naps.

This app will help any parent find the perfect location to take a cat nap. The best part is that right when you fall alseep the app with randomly play the sound of either a crying baby, broken plate, or slammed door. This is the must have app to NOT have a nap. Available today.


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