As we approach Thanksgiving, the people at The Foresters Tech Timeout™ hope that you’ll join us in asking families to take the Tech Timeout™ challenge – a break from technology for an hour, a meal, or the entire holiday.
So what do you think? Could you and your family do an hour? An entire meal? Even a whole day without technology?
In our house I think we can pull off an hour. But between our phones, tablets and NetFlix, it really depends on the time of day I guess.
But I would like to add that for family meals, we go tech free every day.
So are you up for the challenge?
Tips and resources, including a pledge form to take a daily break from technology, can be found their website at or on their Facebook page at
This video, which you’ll find on Youtube, is a heartfelt reminder of why families need to unplug and reconnect with each other in a more meaningful way.
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The Tech Timeout effort was started by Foresters in 2013 as part of its purpose to enhance family well-being. If you’d like to speak with a spokesperson behind the campaign, please let me know.
Wishing your family a very connected Thanksgiving,