Day 9: Adventures In Grandparenting


Friday afternoon

Well this day is just half over and it has been a blast so far. It is a highly organized procedure to entertain two grandparents and two boys, while sticking to a somewhat normal routine. Add to that, our baby boy is starting to grow teeth. Yep, a little on the cranky side.

The day started off as normal. Breakfast naps and a little cartoon action for Harrison.

But from there is was a wild adventure filled with hotels, boats, bridges, sandwiches and expired parking meters. Nope, not Hangover 4, just a Friday with the grandparents.

After getting the boys all ready, we headed over to the hotel where my parents are staying.

Oh, one of the boy needs me. Will update when I can.

Update Monday afternoon

Yep, took two days for me to get back to this. That is how it goes when you have guests visiting.

So where did I leave off. Oh yeah. We were heading out on a Friday adventure. I think for time constraints, I will just do bullets and photos for each day. That will help you get the highlights and still be able to move on with your day.

Friday’s Adventure

  • Ferry trip from the Dartmouth side over to the Halifax side to check out the waterfront and have some lunch. My parents had never been on the ferry and it still is the best and cheapest way to experience the harbour. Charlie had his first boat ride, while Harry enjoyed the fresh air up top.
  • Harry ate egg as part of his lunch. He never does that.
  • Naps for everyone in the afternoon, although Charlie is teething, so he had a rough one.
  • Once Katie was home from work, we got take-out fish and chips. Harry ate almost two pieces.
  • Kids to bed and we hung out and chatted with my parents. Then took them back to the hotel.
  • Came home and fell asleep on couch.

Saturday’s Adventure

  • The day started early with a wide awake Charlie. Damn you teeth.
  • Once the boys were up, we went to get my parents at the hotel. Charlie and Katie stayed home, while Harry and I took my parents to Chapters. They don’t get to go to one that often back home so it was a nice treat. My parents got some stuff for the boys and we came home. Lunch, nap and then I took my parents out for the afternoon to Pete’s in Bedford. The goal was to get something to grill on Sunday. Goal achieved.
  • Came home and watched some of the Masters.
  • Dinner was pizza. Boys to bed, chatting and parents back to hotel. Tired once again.

Sunday’s Adventure

  • We had a normal, lazy Sunday morning at home and then got all ready to go the hotel for swimming. Both boys had fun and it tired them out for the whole day. Charlie still seems to enjoy the water.
  • Naps, grocery shopping and back to pick up my parents.
  • Dinner was pork grenades and veg on the Big Green Egg. Great day for grilling.
  • Boys to bed and then took parents back to hotel one last time. My parents said their goodbyes to Katie as she would be at work when they left for the airport.
  • Time to return to normal.

I will finish it up with Day 10’s post later.

Other highlights

  • Harry got into golf thanks to the Masters.
  • Great to see Charlie warm up to my parents so fast as it was the first time they met.
  • Harry got a lot of extra stories.
  • We all had a lot of fun.

To see all of the photos from the weekend, check out Like A Dad’s Facebook page.


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