Celebrate Father’s Day in Pampers or UNDERWEAR! #ThanksBaby



In case you missed the news, it’s Father’s Day this weekend. A day where everyone seems to think it’s a time to celebrate the father figures in our lives. In our house, it will be pretty normal. Play with kids, relax with kids and maybe get some takeout as a treat. No big whoop.

But it does make me remember back to all the memories I have had as a dad so far. Just like this new video from Pampers that may bring a tear to your eye. NO? You are one cold person.

[embedplusvideo height=”378″ width=”620″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1InB3BG” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/X-gszji43ns?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=X-gszji43ns&width=620&height=378&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep9781″ /]

This Father’s day, we will all be wearing underwear! No Pampers here. Charlie is pretty much toilet trained and I have to say, I don’t miss the diapers. Sorry Pampers.

I will keep watching your videos, but I won’t be figuring out those little velcro straps at 3am.

Ah who am I kidding. I kind of miss the days of the little guys being little.

My few memories of Father’s Day as a dad are about the cute presents the boys make at school or daycare. The classic ash tray for a guy who have never smoked.

The hand print that I still have on my shelf.

Somewhere I even have the first paper tie Harry made for me. Again, I rarely wear ties.

Schools want our kids to think we are Don Draper or something? Maybe a martini glass is next.

Father’s Day does not stand out. It’s not because I don’t like it. It’s because every weekend is full of fun and celebrating the family. I know they like me?? Yes, I am sure they do.

Have you dried up since watching the video? Ah it’s okay for dad to cry. It’s 2015 right? It does not mean you are going to go all Bruce Jenner on us. But there is nothing wrong with that of course.

Where was I? Oh yeah. Celebrating dads.

To all the dads out there. My dad, my friends who are dads and all the other dudes who procreated Take a moment and say job well done.

Unless you are those who don’t deserve the title of “Dad”. They can fall off a roof for all I care. You know who you are.

Can you share a Father’s Day memory with us?




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