#BucketListTO & The Inspiration For New Adventures


On Saturday, I was lucky enough to attend an event put on by Ford Canada that featured Robin Esrock and his story of living life to the fullest. He has been ticking things off his bucket list for several years and it was amazing to hear not only his stories, but to see photos of the places he has been.

I am not much of a traveler. But in the last year I have been to New York City and Chicago, two places that are easily on my bucket list.

Listening to Robin has inspired me to look ahead to new adventures and to also reflect on the milestones or bucket list items I have already experienced.

Flipping through his books about bucket list items to do in Canada, I have actually done a few already. Driving the Cabot Trail, going to a Blue Jays game and driving across the Confederation Bridge to PEI jumped out.

The day with Ford Canada members, Robin and other bloggers, was full of adventure and we did not even have to leave Toronto.

Starting With Bacon

It started at one of my favourite places in the city, St. Lawrence Market. Or as I think of it, the place with the bacon sandwich. We all had lunch together and of course I had the famous peameal bacon sandwich.

It was cool to talk to Robin in an informal setting. We talked about kids and where he is heading to next on his adventure. Robin was even asking point-blank if it was a lot harder once you have a second kid. This guy needs to meet Solo Mom (or maybe he has??)

More St. Lawrence Market

After we were done eating, we headed out to test drive some Ford vehicles. I will include the details at the end of this post for those who like that kind of thing.

Let’s Drive

The first one I got to drive was a 2015 C-MAX Hybrid. I have not driven a new car for almost 10 years, so it was a treat. There were no car seats or empty juice boxes in the back either. The car drove pretty smooth, and QUIET. No engine noise. It was throwing us off. Well me anyways. My copilot, Emily, happened to be a mechanic, so it was cool to get her insight.

The destination was Casa Loma, so Robin could check that off his list. It was amazing that in a group of over 10 people, few had ever been to Toronto’s historic castle.

Back to  the drive. I felt comfortable in the C-Max. There was ample room for someone who is 6’5. There were certainly a lot of gadgets that I never got to try out. We took a very scenic route, got sidetracked and finally arrived at the Toronto Archives for Robin’s talk.

By the way, Robin, his mom and publisher, were driving in a sweet Ford Mustang. Yes I said his mom. He is on this trip with his mom and said it was the first time they have traveled together.

I had never been to the Archives. The information in that building was mind-blowing.

Robin gave us a short presentation on who he is, what his latest journey with Ford Canada was all about and shared some of his personal favourite stories. He has had a cocktail with a real human toe in it. No shit.

[embedplusvideo height=”283″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1PMFjQY” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/qRFkrCqbrUc?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=qRFkrCqbrUc&width=450&height=283&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep1920″ /]

I had never heard of Robin before, but for those in the travel world, he is clearly a well known name. His story is pretty cool. A motorcycle accident turned into a trip around the world and turned into a lifestyle of adventure.

Like I said, I am flipping through his books, with the main one being The Great Canadian Bucket List.

Castle Time

On to Casa Loma. I want to add Robin dropped a great He-Man reference bellowing out, by the powers of Grey Skull, as we departed.


  • A lot of stairs as it sits on top of a hill overlooking downtown Toronto.
  • There is a $250,000 rug inside.
  • Saw a few original Ford vehicles.
  • The shower looked like a torture chamber.
  • Several hidden doorways.
  • Movies such as X-Men have been shot there.
  • Got to see the tunnel that goes underground from the main castle to the horse stables.

There is obviously a lot more history involved but you can read that yourself or take the tour. It’s not the type of castle your kid would picture, but it was very cool to see. The view of Toronto was like one I had never seen before. I will take the family back one day for sure.

After walking back to the cars, we switched it up and for the ride back to St. Lawrence Market, I got to ride in a 2015 Ford Focus Titanium. This time I was the navigator and we quickly got our way back to the starting point of the day. Again, smooth ride and just nice to be sitting a clean smelling car.

It was a fun afternoon. It was a treat to meetup with other local bloggers, Ford team members and Robin and his team.

Like I said, I was inspired to look for new adventure. But over the last few days, I have been really looking back at fond memories of my own bucket list check marks. We are only on this planet for a short time and there is so much to see and do. There are few people like Robin out there, but I am going to consciously start putting together my own bucket list and see how I do at crossing each thing off.

Thanks to National and Ford Canada for inviting me and thanks to Robin for being a great host.

Car Deets

Download info sheet for 2015 C-MAX Hybrid

Download info sheet for 2015 Focus Titanium

Casa Loma info

Casa Loma is a Gothic Revival style house and gardens in midtown Toronto, Ontario, Canada, that is now a museum and landmark. It was originally a residence for financier Sir Henry Mill Pellatt.

Robin Esrock info

Robin Esrock has spent over a decade in search of the world’s best experiences, sharing his discoveries with millions in print, on TV, online, and social media.


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