Band-Aid Brand “Stuck on Me Sing-Along Contest”


Band-Aid bandages are pretty popular our house with two wild boys.

So it is without much question that I want to help promote this fun contest they are running.

The people at Band-Aid want to give your child a chance to be a star. Not just the star they are in your house, but a big name singing star. Okay, that is stretching the truth, but there is a great prize in it for you and your kids.

It is pretty easy to enter as well.

Record your little stars singing BAND-AID®’s famous jingle and submit it by September 2 to BAND-AID Brand “Stuck on Me” Sing-Along Contest.

The grand prize winner will win a $5,000 Toys ”R” Us gift card! To learn more about the contest, watch the video and check out details here.

Check out the video below where YouTube Singer-Vlogger Eva Ricci explains the “Stuck on Me Sing-Along Contest”, and follows up with her own personal rendition of the beloved jingle.


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Don’t worry if you are not the big winner. 12 finalists will also receive a $100 Toys “R” Us gift card. That can buy some pretty sweet toys to help make not winning feel a little better.

September 2 is the deadline, get those cameras rolling and the singing voices tuned up. I will have to see if Harrison is up for this as he loves to sing songs. His current favourite song to sing is by Eminem, go figure.

Make sense?

Entering is easy, visit the official contest Facebook page to get started.


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