Avoid Danger From Reckless Driving In South Aftrica


Crazy title eh? Well stick with me.

Here in Canada, we are all about Kijiji. But what do other countries have when it comes to buying and selling used online goods?

Well in the UK, they have what is called Gumtree. To me it looks just like the same thing as we have here, just a different country.

I saw this interesting infographic done up by the folks at Gumtree that focuses on reckless driving in South Africa. You know, the place that is on everyone’s mind after the passing of Nelson Mandela.

The stats on the graphic are crazy. They are a nation full of careful drivers who are respectful of the road, but…….many of them have fake licenses.

1 million people to be exact.

Another similar list of stats that I can relate with from living in Canada would be the Top 5 areas to be aware of when driving. Avoiding danger on the road is key no matter where you live of course.

They are poor conditions, sharp bends, poor visibility, wet surfaces and oddly enough, animals.

To learn more about the reckless driving habits of South Africa, you can review the full infographic below.


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