Video: Muppets Team Up With 2014 Toyota Highlander For Super Bowl Ad

Two things I love. Football and the Muppets.

Disney’s Muppets gang has joined forces with Toyota this year to celebrate the launch of the 2014 Highlander and the Muppets’ newest big-screen adventure, “Muppets Most Wanted,” in theaters March 21, 2014.

The movie/sport tie-in is pretty common so it is not shocking that Toyata has teamed up with the Muppets.

Disney’s Muppets will hit the road with Terry Crews, star of the Golden Globe®-winning FOX series Brooklyn Nine-Nine,in Toyota’s new commercial for the all-new 2014 Toyota Highlander.

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Top Mobiles For Gaming

Fans of online gaming like the variety they have in regards to the devices they may purchase to access online gaming.

Mobile phones are becoming top choices for gaming on the go. Given the large number of mobile gamers, online sites have responded by tailoring their product to the top operating systems. One of these is the Android operating system. Designed by Google, many of the mobile phones using this system are ideal for gaming.

When Your Son Decides To Cheer For The Wrong Team


This past weekend, I took Harrison to see another hockey game.

It was part of my Christmas presents. Two tickets to see the Halifax Mooseheads take on the Cape Breton Screaming Eagles.

Rivalry game!

This was also going to be the first time I took Harrison to a night game.

The problem was,  once we got to our seats and started watching, Harrison decided it was not the Mooseheads that he wanted to cheer for.

Yep,  my son decided to cheer for the wrong team.

Four Small Businesses on the Goal Line in Intuit’s Small Business Big Game

Getting your small business noticed is hard. Especially when it costs so much for marketing and advertising. So, it would make sense that the ultimate moment for a business to explode, is to get in front of the most eyes as possible.

Well Intuit is going to make this happen for one lucky small business.

Small Business Big Game kicked off July 31 and had tens of thousands of small businesses entered for the chance to win more than $25 million in rewards and offers to help them succeed. Then the field was narrowed to just 20 that Intuit’s 8,000 employees around the globe voted on to determine the top four finalists. Now they have it down to the final four.

Amazing Super Bowl XLVIII Prop Bets

As you all know, Super Bowl XLVIII is on Sunday. It is between the Seattle Seahawks and Denver Broncos and what makes the Big Game so great is, that it connects non-sports fans with sports. How? Betting.

You don’t need to know a single thing about football, or who is playing to have fun making side bets with friends, or even real bets for money.

They are called prop bets and they are never more fun than for the Super Bowl.

Here are the most popular Super Bowl XLVIII prop bets.

The Boys Are Back In Daycare Town


Well it’s a new week and so far, so good. Yep, it’s not that old but already we are feeling good. Why?

Cause both kids went to school and both seem to be feeling much better than last week.

Charlie was home pretty much all week with a grab bag of stuff. Fever, cough, cold, etc. and Harrison was not feeling great either although he went to school each day.

It was a rough week on Katie especially because she was home with the sick boy and could not do what she normally does. All week, she kept wishing for a normal week soon.

Maybe it’s this week? We shall see.